Mandala Garden
Welcome to the TaikoPeace Mandala Garden where our community of “gardeners” plant mandalas of infinite love, peace, and joy. Each bright word mandala was handwritten in concentric circles from the inside out forming a wonderful spiraling effect. There is a natural connection between mandalas and the taiko drum - the circle, the spiraling energy, the shared vibration. Please enjoy!
“I discovered bright word mandalas while on a trip to Byakko Shinko Kai, Fuji Sanctuary in Japan where bright word mandalas are taught as a spiritual practice to energize peace. I was captivated by the power of these spiraling words and began to experiment with creating them. Now as a tool for TaikoPeace, the mandalas have become an essential part of my peace-building vocabulary.”
“I’d never written words in a spiral before. I let myself write one letter at a time, rotating the paper slowly and carefully. It surprised me what words ended up on the page after “infinite”.”
“I loved discovering I could make circles of words starting from the inside out. I could see wonderful patterns and interesting clusters of words that by chance stacked on top of each other.”
“I experienced how mandalas can be used as a way for self reflection and connection, nurturing healing for all people, across all abilities.”
TaikoPeace Spiraled Energy: Mandala Making
View our free on-demand session on bright word mandalas and learn how to create your own.